By: Jared Ford
West Virginia
"Almost Heaven"
ironic foreshadowing
ironic foreshadowing
the minds infected
the hearts distracted
their attention directed
to the new ruler of Heaven
new savior of the forgotten
There's a new hero in town
and her name is Heroine
and I'll give them Opiates!
Oxycontin, or Percocet
or Roxys, or Fentanyl!
fuss not over the name
for the results all the same!
an escape from your worries,
an escape from your life
So come out of that log cabin,
Climb aboard this bandwagon!
Think not of your wife
or the toil and strife
of a pressing days labor,
half the wage of your neighbor.
No need to make amends
to deter your fleeing friends.
to deter your fleeing friends.
Just frequent the drugstore
and I'll settle the score.
I'll cleanse their memory
from any future reverie.
from any future reverie.
All aboard the Death Wagon,
I've got a seat just for you!
Herein lies the problem,
Heroins guise does blossom:
Heroins guise does blossom:
In a land where those who feel flawed,
unworthy of God,
are lost in it's heavenly fraud.
In a land where the emotional norm is trauma
because those seeking nirvana
are denied marijuana.
In a land where inherited tradition
deters the ambition
of an honest politician.
In a land that still sees no correlation
between a prescription, addiction
and a gravestones inscription...
And Heroins guise does blossom
when humanity is forgotten.
Therein lies the problem.
Therein lies the problem.
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