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Showing posts from September, 2017

Blood Brothers Part I

Blood Brothers Part I By: Jared Ford “That’s not all either” he said “one hundred, two hundred maybe?” He looked at me wildly as he pulled his hatchet out of our guest’s forehead. Now, I say guest, but I’m more or less borrowing that term, because he wasn’t invited. He just appeared, like a surprise guest. Yes, one second I’m pouring a couple neat scotches for my brother and me in front of my bay window, the next, I’m staring at this fat piece of shit walking up my driveway, aiming an assault rifle at me. Me! “I just bought this god damned villa two weeks ago! And now I have to blow the whole damn thing up? Two fucking weeks Mikey!” I screamed. I have reason to be so upset. This will be my 3 rd vacation home I’ve lost to armed warfare. “This is some fucked up luck, why does it always have to MY vacation home eh? Why have we never had one fucking gun battle at your fucking house Mikey?” “Because you’re obnoxiously noticeable! Christ, you might as well drag some ...

A Quest for Adventure (or) A Yellowstone Education

We should have known anything called Devils Slide wasn't going to be a cakewalk... but there we were, down to our last ounces of water, crawling over decade old skeletons of antelope, elk, and bears, peering over the edge of yet another sharp precipice. A branch hit my hat and I watched it slip off my head and fall through the air. My heart sank, my aching legs complaining with the realization that they would be hiking back up this peak once again... but I'm getting way ahead of myself! let's go back to the beginning! Day 1 Thursday morning, a decision was to be made. Stay home in L.A. and enjoy a long Labor Day weekend... or , drive all through the night and next day to Montana, on a whim, with only one goal in mind: collect as much information on Forrest Fenns hidden treasure from the Yellowstone locality as possible. We chose adventure! After a hasty pack, we were on the road. We made it deep into Utah before pulling over to get some rest. I really cou...